This Keyboard Just Doesn’t Do Justice Anymore

Hey there family!

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying these last few days! I can’t believe how fast the time has flown by! In some ways I am kind of having a hard time wrapping my head around and accepting the fact that my work in the mission field is coming to an end. But at the same time, I feel so much peace and happiness in my heart for the things that I have been able to do in this time. I am dedicated to serving the Lord for the rest of my life!

This week went great! We had the opportunity to do divisions with some hermanas that have really been struggling. It was such a good experience because we could really see the difference after the divisions were over. I have really loved working closely with a lot of the Hermanas because it has helped me become a better person and a better missionary. I have been able to experience a lot of things right along with them and it has helped me completely lose myself in this work.

One night we went and visited one of the families that we have gotten really close with. We helped the dad get baptized about a month ago to complete the family. This family is one of the poorest families that I have met in my time here, but I love them so so so much. Some days they go without food and struggle to find work. They live in a little shack and the humblest of circumstances, but they have been able to live the gospel despite all of that. They have found that the gospel is the one and only thing that makes them truly happy when so many things in there life don’t. When we went over there, we shared a message and at the end they decided to gather the little money they had earned that day to go buy some soda and some bread to share with us. It was such a humbling experience and we love them so much!

This week we went to Managua again because I had to go to Consejo de Lideres again and it went really well. At the end of Consejo I gave my last testimony and it was a bittersweet experience. Thinking about all of the things that I have been able to experience over the last year and a half makes me feel so grateful. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for the changes that I have experienced and the conversion that I have been able to see in others and in myself.

I really don’t know what more to write because my heart is just so full! Know that I love each and every one of you with all of my heart and I am so grateful for all of your support. I can’t wait to see you all in one short week!!!

Love, Shay
Hermana Staker
Mision Nicaragua Managua Norte
Febrero 2016- Agosto 2017

The rain here is nuts and in some spots its up to our calves. We walk through rivers! And we got tshirts made for the district. LEGENDARY MISSIONARIES!

Time is Winding Down!

Hey there family!

I hope everyone is doing well and holding on tight because the time is flying by way fast!! I cant believe we are down to two weeks! Here we go!

This week was such a special week! It started out with interviews with President Poncio at our house! They went to all of the missionaries houses to do inspections and did interviews at the same time. It was funny in my interview because the members little kitten waltzed into the house and started rubbing up against Presidents leg while we were in the interview! AWKWARD! But it was cool because President and I are tight.

Later in the week I got to go and do divisions with my girl Hermana Beck! It was so fun to work with her again and catch up!!

The most special part of this week was the baptism that we had this weekend! This hermano is named Luis. Luis cant walk because his legs dont work. It has been so special teaching him and trying to get him to church. The members have been so helpful in getting him to the chapel and helping him get baptized. One of the members has a triciclo which is basically a bike with a cart on the front to drive people around. He has been there to take Luis everywhere. Saturday was his baptism and it was so special. Two hermanos had to be in the font to help hold him up and then baptize him. Then on Sunday he was able to get confirmed. The member with the triciclo was lost in drugs and alcohol about 6 months ago and with the gospel he has been able to get out and become a better person. Being able to serve Luis has helped him so much and given him another motivation. On Sunday, that member was able to confirm and it was such a beautiful experience. We were able to see the conversion of not just one, but two people.

I am so grateful for how the gospel blesses our lives. We all need the healing power of the Atonement and we are all capable of recieving it. I know that God loves each and every one of us and has a plan for all of us. He knows us and if we trust him, He shows us the path that is meant for us and helps us get on it.

I love you all so much! I cant wait to see you in a few short weeks! I wish I had more time to write more about this week, but soon we will be together again and we will be able to talk about it in person!

Love, Shay
Hermana Staker
Mision Nicaragua Managua Norte